A depression within the rear garden of the property was reported to the Coal Authority by the residents. The depression was shown to be in close proximity to a mineshaft location. Works were carried out to excavate and construct a reinforced concrete cap over the shaft location. The enclosed nature of the garden made the works challenging as the access within the property was not sufficient enough to transport any plant and machinery. A neighbouring property was used for plant and machinery access and concrete pumped through from the public highway at the font. Reinstatement works were then carried out to replace the garden, boundary fences and paths of both properties.
The shaft was filled with approx. 2500 tonnes of free draining stone with steel casings placed down to the water level at 80m below the surface to allow for future monitoring of the levels within the shaft.
A reinforced concrete cap was constructed over the shaft. Working closely with the Forestry Commission and The Coal Authority we ensured that the site was reinstated to ensure the quick re-generation of natural foliage and minimal disturbance caused to natural habitats and wildlife during the works.
A reinforced concrete cap was constructed over the shaft. Working closely with the Forestry Commission and The Coal Authority we ensured that the site was reinstated to ensure the quick re-generation of natural foliage and minimal disturbance caused to natural habitats and wildlife during the works.